The first stage is a journey through some symbolic places in the area entitled "The journey of the nativity along the paths of peace" organized by Caritas Foligno, in collaboration with the Diocese and the Arca del Mediterraneo ETS association. This will provide a moment of prayer and reflection with the community.
The second stage, scheduled for Thursday 15 December at 3.00 pm, will start from UMBRAGROUP, where our Foundation is based. It will arrive at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Spello. Once at the destination, a meeting will be held entitled "Job security and the strength of faith".
Furthermore, this year the Valter Baldaccini Foundation is giving its support to the initiative "Santa Claus... by train for solidarity" promoted by Caritas Diocesana of Foligno, our partner in the realization of the socio-educational project "Family and work".
There will be a collection of toys, school supplies and childcare products to be allocated to the neediest children in the area. Anyone can freely participate by bringing their own gifts on Sunday 18 December, starting at 3 pmat the Foligno railway station.
The afternoon will be enlivened by the choir of the parish of San Giovanni Profiamma. The event takes advantage of the patronage of the Municipality of Foligno and will see the collaboration of the FS Foundation, the Railway Police, and the Turno C association.
Let's unite in this gesture of solidarity with those in our community who need our support the most.
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