The health emergency we are facing is becoming, and will increasingly become, an economic and social emergency.
In these days the friends of the Caritas of our territory are telling us with clarity and concern that their days are an uninterrupted succession of calls and attempts to find answers to the many requests.
At this time the needs are mainly food. After the first few weeks, families who lost precarious and intermittent jobs suffered and they are having great difficulty buying food.
For this reason, on the occasion of Easter, the Valter Baldaccini Foundation has decided to make a small gesture in support of the families who are most in difficulty by giving them financial help.
We have chosen to do it together with the Diocesan Caritas of Gubbio, with which we have been carrying out the socio-educational project in Kosovo for three years now.
Caritas of Gubbio, together with the Red Cross, is taking care of the door-to-door distribution of food. We are really happy to be able to work with them at this very complex moment for everyone.
Special thanks to Luca Uccellani, deputy director of Caritas of Gubbio, for sending us his photograph during the preparation of the purchase packages.
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