2016 was a traumatic year for Central Italy. The earthquake that damaged our territory at the end of August affected all of us deeply, and we received numerous requests for help. After a careful analysis of the projects that we received, the Valter Baldaccini Foundation decided to support the restoration of the CNOS-FAP Institute of Foligno.
Since 1977, the National CNOS-FAP Federation (National Center for Salesian Works - Professional Training Development) has been working to coordinate The Salesians of Italy, who are committed to promoting services in the public interest in the fields of guidance, training, and professional development, based on the educational style of Don Bosco.
The association’s presence is widespread throughout Italy thanks to:
- 17 regional districts;
- 64 Centers for Vocational Training (CFP). Three of these centers are located in Umbria, and one of them is the Folignate Institute.
Over the course of time, the School, which everyone considers an institution of the city, has helped many young people in the area to find a job. The methodology adopted is one of training skills by combining both theoretical and practical activities. The school offers training courses in hair styling, mechanics, chef’s assistant, and, electrician. It does so using cutting-edge teaching tools and methodologies from highly qualified personnel who receive continuous professional development. Every year 300 young peopleattend the school and approximately 70% of them succeed in finding a job.
Why this choice? The Salesians profoundly influenced the life of Valter Baldaccini. After elementary school, he had the opportunity to attend the Salesian College because his family, of humble origins, wanted to ensure that he would receive a good education based on Christian values.
The structure in Foligno suffered extensive damage from the earthquake. With regard to the overall restoration project, thanks to the many donations that have been received, the Valter Baldaccini Foundation will support the updating of the fire system to be compliant with the fire protection system required by current regulations for school buildings.
Since 2016 to today, we have kept all the donations we’ve received and we are very happy to be able to dedicate them to this project today. The study and planning phase has been long, and the bureaucracy related to permits for carrying out the work has resulted in additional delays. However, we are proud to be able to contribute to the CNOS –FAP Institute. The safety of this school means that the training and educational paths for many young people in our area will be guaranteed.
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