Almost a thousand overalls and masks were provided to the health personnel working in Foligno Hospital’s Resuscitation Department. Masks and overalls are a concrete gesture of help that was made possible thanks to the donation we received from Antonio Baldaccini, Founding Partner of the Valter Baldaccini Foundation and CEO of UMBRAGROUP.
" 2020 will be remembered - Antonio Baldaccini told us - as the year of Covid-19 which disrupted the world balance but has not affected my optimism as a man. In this second Covid wave, in full emergency, I wanted to be present in a concrete way. This is why I personally made a donation to the Valter Baldaccini Foundation, for the purchase of anti Covid masks and overalls to be donated to the Resuscitation Department of the Foligno Hospital, which can help our doctors rescue patients safely. I would like it to be my Christmas present for the whole community, hoping for a healthy Christmas and a better 2021”.
“We are really happy, on the eve of this unusual Christmas, to make a gesture of solidarity in supporting the delicate health situation that we are also facing in our area - commented Beatrice Baldaccini, President of the Valter Baldaccini Foundation. The actions and projects of the Foundation - she added - are possible thanks to small and large gestures of solidarity like this one. In fact, in these months of this health emergency, thanks to the help of many donors, the Foundation has tried to respond to the pandemic by responding to its consequences: in the months of lockdown, supporting the families most in difficulty for the expense and payment of rent and utilities and this summer by supporting the socio-educational project RIESCO, workshops designed for the most fragile children who have not had access to distance learning”.
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