A couple of times a year, Joab Omoto, our contact person for distance adoptions in Kenya, sends us "Africa's Memories", a newsletter that updates us and tells us about the developments of this humanitarian project that has been active for a number of years.
Joab is part of the Ken Toledo Social Service Club, an organization belonging to the Focolare Movement which is responsible for ensuring access to education for all.
It was Joab and Valter Baldaccini who started the long distance adoption project which, in 14 years, has allowed 129 children to go to school, enter university and train to have a job that means autonomy and dignity.
Thanks to many donors, today 40 children are trying to build a future. Joab in "Africa's memories" tells us about their progress in school and their life stories.
In this latest issue he also tells us how the situation has now changeddue to Coronavirus. In Kenya too, this pandemic led to the immediate closure of schools and work activities. Most of our kids live, together with their families, in Mathare, one of the largest slums of Nairobi.
Not having the chance to work means the children cannot attend school and this means they aren’t guaranteed one hot meal a day. This is why Joab has started delivering groceries to their homes.
He told us about it in these pages.
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