It was mid-May 2023 when the flooding of 23 rivers overwhelmed 44 municipalities in Emilia-Romagna hitting them hard, causing landslides, disruptions and mudslides. Although the water and mud have been removed today, the problems that many citizens of those areas are facing have not disappeared.
During those turbulent days there was a huge wave of sensitivity and generosity from UMBRAGROUP employees, demonstrated through the donation of numerous hours of vacation and work which raised an important sum: 8,555 euros. To this, the Valter Baldaccini Foundation is adding a quota bringing the donation to 10,000 euros which will give concrete help to the people affected by this disaster.
Nine months have passed since the flood and, during this time, there has been intense work behind the scenes. There was also no lack of commitment to identifying an appropriate project to which all the funds raised would be allocated. Through contact with the Municipality of Faenza we learned about La Piccola Betlemme, a voluntary association that recovers food from large-scale retail trade that would otherwise be thrown away, transforming it into quality hot meals for people in fragile conditions. A part of these goods is also made available free of charge in a solidarity emporium, with a sustainable anti-waste project.
“When the flood occurred – President Camilla Marangon, who manages the association together with her husband Luca Venturi, told us – we immediately took action to cook and offer food to the people who had lost everything. We integrated this service with what we were already doing for the most vulnerable people". Efforts haven’t stopped since that moment because in Faenza, as in most of the areas affected by the flood, there are still families left homeless today. “There are people who perhaps had found temporary accommodation with friends and relatives, with the hope that the summer sun would dry the walls soaked in humidity, but that didn't happen. Houses remained uninhabitable and people lost hope. We provide help with basic needs, but these people also need a lot of psychological support".
Specifically, the donation from the Valter Baldaccini Foundation will be used to purchase a refrigerated trolley and a trolley to keep food warm, two indispensable tools which will make the service offered by La Piccola Betlemme increasingly effective.
Thanks to all the donors who made this important gesture of solidarity possible!
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